Published: Sep 26, 2024

SubscriptionStoreView crasher on watchOS 11.1

Sidecar supports watchOS as a first-class application, which sometimes means I get to run into some bleeding edge cases. I lost a couple hours to this one last night.

When creating a subscription store using SubscriptionStoreView on watchOS 11.1 (22R5554e) with more than one product ID and the default styling, like so:

SubscriptionStoreView(productIDs: [

You might get the following crasher:

UnsafeRawBufferPointer.swift:1157: Fatal error: UnsafeRawBufferPointer with negative count

I’ve been able to reproduce this with a standalone project including only the SubscriptionStoreView and no other logic. Notably this crash does not occur in 10 11.1 (22R5545f) so this appears to have been a recently introduced regression.

The workaround I’ve found is to use the .subscriptionStoreControlStyle(.buttons) style, like so:

var subscriptionStoreControlStye: some SubscriptionStoreControlStyle {
  if #available(watchOS 11.1, *) {
    // Addresses a crash on watchOS 11.1 (FBFB15279100)
    // UnsafeRawBufferPointer.swift:1157: Fatal error: UnsafeRawBufferPointer with negative count
    return .buttons
  } else {
    return .automatic

var body: some View {
  SubscriptionStoreView(productIDs: [

I’ve filed FB15279100 with this crasher.