software design

Google Maps for iPhone

Jeff built many of the core user interface components for Google's first native version of Google Maps for iOS. These core components were designed from the start to be modular and, after the resoundingly successful launch in December, Jeff focused on sharing these components with the rest of Google's iOS offerings.

June 2012 - April 2013

Notable work includes building a custom UINavigationController-like controller for presenting all of the views and transitions seen in the app, experimenting with the user experience for the sliding footer component and corresponding paging mechanism, and using Nimbus features to drastically reduce code complexity in the app.

Much time was spent in a conference room with the design team and Jeff's sound system backpack as they polished the app before launch.

Mobile App of the Year Crunchies 2012

Best User Experience Webby Awards 2012

Best Use of GPS Webby Awards 2012


The iOS framework that grows only as fast as its documentation.

Nimbus was initially created as a replacement for the Three20 open source framework but has since grown into its own as a fully-modular open source framework. It is because of this modular design that Nimbus has been integrated into so many projects and now drives critical components for well over one hundred million application installs.

Learn more at nimbuskit.info.

June 2011 -

551 forks


Attributed Labels

Present NSAttributedString objects with links and inline images as easily as using a UILabel.

Table Models

Trim table view controller complexity by using models to store the objects that represent cells in table views.

Photo Viewer

A network-enabled, pre-fetching photo viewer that can be plugged into any remote API.


An experimental feature for using CSS to define application style. Includes the Chameleon tool for live updates.

Network Image View

This view noticeably improves UI performance by offloading most of the image processing to a background thread.

Debugging Tools

Live view inspection on the device using the Overview tool. See real-time graphs of RAM and disk usage for monitoring memory usage.

Facebook for iPad

Jeff worked on the first version of the Facebook iPad app as a universal app that shared the existing iPhone app's code base. Jeff built one of the first implementations of the now standard "drawer" interface and ported this to the Facebook iPhone app.

June 2010 - June 2011

Pixel Heart

Jeff began teaching himself how to build electronics in early 2012 and by the end of the year initiated construction of his first large-scale art installation, the Pixel Heart.

November 2012 - Summer 2013


1536 RGB LED pixels
48 x 32 resolution
12 x 8 ft

The PixelHeart was controlled using custom-built VJ software called the PixelPusher. PixelPusher supported compositing audio-reactive animations together in a visual interactive manner, similar to Traktor.